A role-playing game (RPG) is a cooperative experience between multiple participants. At its simplest, it can be described as an organized form of group make-believe, with a set of rules and procedures to keep things consistent and fair. A Live-action role-playing game (LARP) involves participants physically acting out their characters’ actions. This includes interacting with other characters through conversation, exploring the environment, and potentially taking part in physical combat with specially designed props and weapons. The game may be anywhere from a few hours to two days in duration, so participants are asked to bring all costume, props, etc., that they may think applicable to each game type.
Live action role-playing should not be confused with historical re-enactment.
A LARP game is meant to be an imaginative fantasy game. The events take place in a fictional world, with a fictional history and characters. The world, story, characters and experience are not intended to replicate any real historical period.
Chimera Productions wishes to allow anyone to become involved in LARP who has an interest to, but there are a few restrictions on types of involvement depending on age. These restrictions are in place to ensure the safety of all participants.
Mature content: Any Chimera Productions game should be considered to be rated M according to Australian standards, unless specifically advertised otherwise. LARP writing is generally intended for adults, and may include themes of fantasy and supernatural, magic, violence, death, murder, occasional drug use, politics, etc.
Anyone over the age of 18 can be involved as a player character (PC) or non-player character (NPC) at their own discretion. Children aged 16-18 (youths) may participate as PCs or NPCs with the express written permission of their parent/guardian.
At some daygames or special events, children 15 and under may participate in full combat games designed for youth. At these games children will be supervised in combat situations but otherwise have the full LARP experience. Look for Flyers which indicate Youth or Junior games.
Children aged 15 and under may attend weekend events only if accompanied by a parent/guardian. Children must remain under the supervision of this guardian, or other adult/s designated by guardians. Orgs and crew will not undertake to supervise children during an event, as they have responsibilities to oversee the safety of all participants. Children may participate as NPCs or PCs, guardians will be consulted as to the extent and type of roles that would be applicable for each individual.
Events are held in public parks or halls for single day events, or in bushland campsites (with indoor accommodation) for weekend long events. Although Chimera Productions cannot guarantee that all sites are fully accessible please contact the organisers to discuss what assistance can be provided to allow anyone to participate. Often longer events will involve short hikes on bush paths, although some single day events may take place within a single hall (with no combat) or park (with need for only short walks and combat). Anyone can choose to participate only in the areas/aspects with which they are comfortable, so please contact the organisers prior to booking into events if you have any concerns about mobility, accessibility and/or participation. There should regularly be at least one attendee fluent in Auslan to assist with communication if required.
Weapons, costumes and other items are available for hire from the club for a small fee. This means you do not have to have your own weapons or costume to play.
- Weapons (limiter melee types, no ranged weapons or armour available)
- Spell kits (throwing spell packets)
- Basic costume items
For more information on what to expect at our LARP events, please see the page Event Information