L5R Reign of the Topaz Champion – Game Fictions

The following fictions describe developments across the Emerald Empire over the course of the Reign of the Topaz Champion LARP game.

Events depicted in the fictions are not available as in-character knowledge to player characters unless they have a means of experiencing the events directly or hearing news about events.  The fictions are intended as entertainments.

Fictions are written by Chimera Organisers unless otherwise attributed on individual pages.  Submission of personal fictions relating to characters or events is most welcome!


IC 1120

 Scenes from the Empire


IC 1121

Cut Scene – Spring IC 1121

House Cleaning

A sacrificial play – Outcomes from Day game 1

Sorrow’s duty – Day game conclusion

The Throne room of the Emerald Empire – Otosan Uchi

Rude Awakenings

Wolf among birds

Entries of Ryoko Owari – By Genzo of the Falcon Clan

Dawn of the Empire Play

A play in five parts based on the “Dawn of the Empire” story was presented at the event ‘City of Lies’, June 2013.  The complete text of the play with some photo illustration is available – please contact us via email for a copy.

Unexpected News

Scenes from the Empire II


IC 1122

Battle of Ukabu Mura

A Question of Honour


The Sound of Rain

Fallen Phoenix


IC 1123

Last thoughts

Scenes from the Empire III

The Temple

Hazy Reflection I


IC 1124


A Time of Forging

Careful Deliberations

Every Bit a Dragon

Beyond the Five Rings

Prepared to Dig Two Graves


The Gift

Imperial Wedding

Hazy Reflection II


1125 IC

The Last Winter


Fallen Master

Inspirational Victory

Denying the Darkness

Assault on Otosan Uchi

Interesting Times